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Troubleshooting Logon Problems
User’s logon credentials
You can log on to the system as a Desigo CC user or Windows user by providing the username, password and domain name.
System domain
The current version of Desigo CC supports only one domain. This means that you can only log on to the configured default domain. If you belong to a domain different from the default, you can log on only as a Desigo CC user or local user under [station name]\[user name].
The default domain name is configuration-dependent. If default domain name is not configured, the default station name and Desigo CC (not Windows user) are available as domain instead.
Invalid username or password
When you log on, if you enter an invalid user name or password a message box informs you that the credentials are invalid, and asks you to retry. After five failed attempts, a message box informs you that you reached the maximum number of allowed attempts and the user authentication will close.
Desigo CC Client cannot start because the Client Profile file was not found
When you log on, if the Client Profile is not found, a message informs you of this issue. Click OK to close the message box. See your System Administrator for assistance.
Desigo CC Client license is not available
When you log on, if no client license is available, a message informs you of this issue and the Desigo CC Client will not start. See your System Administrator for assistance.