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Importing a Certificate in the Windows Store
The following procedure applies only for importing certificates using the SMC.
For the non-SMC workstations on which you want to launch the web/Windows App client, you must import the certificates (root of the host or self-signed used during Website creation/modification) using Microsoft Management Console (MMC 3.0).
In the SMC tree, select Certificate.
Click Import Certificate  Arrow Up icon.
In the Import Certificate expander, do the following:
a. Select the Certificate type, either Root certificate or Self-signed certificate, to change the default selection Host certificate.
b. Click Browse and select the certificate file. Import the appropriate certificate for the selected Certificate type in order to use them. SMC displays a message if the selected certificate is not the same as the selected Certificate type.
To import the host certificate, you must import the host (.pfx) certificate.
To import the root certificate, you must import the root certificate (.cer file) of the root .pfx certificate.
To import the self-signed certificate, you must import the self-signed (.pfx) certificate.
c. Enter the password for the host or self-signed certificate.
d. (Optional) Clear the Set as default check box, if you do not want to set the selected certificate as default. By default, it is selected, if the selected certificate type is not already set as default.
e. (Optional and available only for Host and Self-Signed Certificates) Clear the Key is exportable check box if you do not want to back up or transport your keys at a later time.
NOTE: The key of the certificate used while creating a web application and client or server communication (Host certificate) must be exportable.
Click Save  Save icon.
A message displays if the host certificate you are about to import has the same subject name as that of its root certificate. It is recommended to select a valid host certificate.
The selected certificate is imported successfully in the certificate store.
The Certificate Type - Root Certificate is imported in Local machine Certificates and User Certificates > Trusted Root Certificate Authorities.
The Certificate Type - Host Certificate is imported in Local machine certificates > Personal.
The Certificate Type - Self-Signed Certificate is imported in Local machine certificates and User Certificates > Trusted Root Certificate Authorities, and in the store Local machine certificates > Personal.