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Activating a Project
Scenario: You have created multiple projects on using SMC and you want to connect to the Desigo CC Client using the desired project.
The project is started or stopped.
(Required only for projects on Client/FEP) You have provided shared Server project path when you create or modify the project on Client/FEP.
In the SMC tree, select Projects > [project].
Click the Project Settings tab.
Project Settings displays.
Click Activate Project  Activate Icon.
A confirmation message displays.
Click Yes.
On successful completion
— The selected project becomes active.
— The information of the active project displays in the Server Project Information expander of the Project Settings tab and the Information expander of the Management tab.
— You can log on to the Desigo CC Client application and perform desired engineering operations.
The very first project you create automatically becomes active. You can manually activate other projects, but there can only be one project active at a time in the Server or Client/FEP SMC.
The name and status updates (started, stopped, and so on) of the active project are always displayed in the Header bar.
Even after a project is activated, the Activate Project  Activate Icon icon is not disabled, which indicates that you can re-activate the project when needed.
When you delete an active project, none of the other existing projects automatically becomes active. You must manually activate the project you want to use.
If you restore a project that is outdated, you must upgrade it first before you can activate it.
If there is no active project and you upgrade a project, the upgraded project automatically becomes active.
Activation of a project ensures the following:
The Desigo CC client application on the server runs in the context of an activated project on Server.
The Desigo CC client application running on the client/FEP runs in the context of an activated project on the client/FEP.
In both cases, if the Desigo CC client application is running while you activate a project, you must re-start the Desigo CC client application.