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Create a ClickOnce Virtual Directory
You are on the target machine.
You have successfully imported the Web Application in IIS and, created the devices, documents, graphics, libraries, and profiles, and shared virtual directories.
To create a ClickOnce virtual directory, you must first obtain the brand name of the product. To do this, proceed as follows:
a. Open the SMC, and from the Header bar, select Menu > About.
b. From the About dialog box that displays, verify the Product name. For example, Desigo CC .This is the brand name.
Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
Select the Web Application that you have imported and right-click, and select Add Virtual Directory.
The Add Virtual Directory dialog box displays.
In the dialog box, do the following:
a. Provide the Alias as [Company Name. + Brand Name + .ClickOnce]
NOTE: Remove any whitespace in the brand name.
b. Provide the Physical Path by browsing to the ClickOnce folder of the imported Web Application on the third-party machine. Provide the physical path as the path of ClickOnce sub-directory under web application directory on the target machine.
Repeat Steps 5 through 12 from Creating Virtual Directories for Web Application in IIS on Target Machine.
The ClickOnce virtual directory is added under the Web Application node in IIS.