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Working With a Website and Web Application Management on a Remote IIS System
The following sections describe how to handle websites and Web Applications on remote machines where Desigo CC is not installed.
Scenario: You have installed Desigo CC and created a project, but have not yet installed the web server (IIS). The CCom manager for the project that you want to connect to must be running on the server. Now, you want to connect a website/Web Application available on a third-party machine (target machine) to the project on the Desigo CC system.
To do this, you must have an intermediate machine (for example, a laptop). On this laptop, before exporting the Web Application to the third-party system, you must review the following requirements and gather the necessary information:
Desigo CC is installed (on FEP or client).
IIS is installed and configured.
Application Request Routing is installed (only on target/third-party machine).
Proxy for the Application Request Routing is enabled (only on target machine).
Microsoft Web Deploy 3.6 is downloaded and installed.
Domain User as a member of the IIS_IUSRS group is assigned (only on target machine).
The project and the virtual directories on the source machine (Desigo CC server) are shared with the user on the third-party machine.
Website settings in IIS are created/edited (only on target machine).
Application pool of a Web Application is verified and created (only on target machine). You have to create the same application pool (on target machine) which is linked with the web application on the source machine.
Web Application for exporting is created and configured (only on source machine).
Further information
Installing Internet Information Services (IIS) on Different Operating Systems
Installing Application Request Routing
Enabling Proxy for the Application Request Routing (ARR) Cache in IIS
Downloading and Installing Microsoft Web Deploy 3.6
Assigning the Domain User as a Member of the IIS_IUSRS Group
Creating a New Website or Editing an Existing Website in IIS
Creating and Configuring a Web Application for Export
Exporting a Web Application from the Source Machine
Importing a Web Application to the Third-Party Machine
Creating Virtual Directories for a Web Application in IIS on the Target Machine
Enabling the WebDAV Authoring Rules for a Website
Setting the WebDAV Authoring Rules for Virtual Directories
Editing a Web Application
Removing a Web Application from IIS