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Confirming Security Permissions on Project Folders
Once the server has been installed, the installation program sets up the GMSMainProject folder that contains all the software files needed to run the software. For the Windows logged on users who are going to run Desigo CC on Server or client on remote computer you should confirm the following security permissions on the project folders.
Confirm Read/Write security permissions granted on the GMSMainProject folder.
Explicitly grant Modify and Write access to the folder ...\GMSMainProject\bin folder on Windows Servers. You must do this to be able to save BACnet import files and for perpetual acknowledgment of the EULAs.
Confirm Read/Write security permissions granted in the project folder. These permissions allow the clients to communicate with the server.
Confirm permissions granted on the folders [installation drive:]\[installation folder] and [installation drive:]\[installation folder]\[project] on server and clients.
On Windows client platforms, the permissions are granted through Authenticated Users.
On server systems, the permissions are granted through a dedicated "Desigo CC users" Windows user group that you must add yourself. Create a “Desigo CC users” Windows user group which mimics the privilege set for Windows 7 authenticated users. Assign all Desigo CC users as members in this user group.
On the folders [installation drive:]\[installation folder] and [installation drive:]\[installation folder]\[project], Allow permission should be added for the following folder permissions:
Full Control
Read & Execute
List Folder Contents
GMSDefaultUser account on each management station must be granted access rights!
The Windows user account (GMSDefaultUser) in the Windows users group is required to run a Windows service that runs the Desigo CC Closed mode operation. The GMSDefaultUser account on each management station must have the proper access rights to the [installation drive:]\[installation folder]\[project] folder on the server in order for the management station to run in Closed mode.