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Overview of Projects
When you select Projects node in the SMC tree, the Management tab displays. The Management tab allows you to restore, create project or project templates on Desigo CC Server or FEP or Client. Once the project is created or restored, you can use the Project Settings tab to start, stop, activate, edit, save the project.
Tips for Working with a Project
There is no limit on the number of projects you can create in the SMC on any of the Setup types—server, FEP or client. The project on the client/FEP station always points to a server project.
One running project corresponds to one valid LMS license on the server, client, and FEP.
On a server, client and FEP, only one project can be active at a time and connected to the Desigo CC client.
If you do not delete the project using the SMC, after upgrading to the current version of Desigo CC , the project node displays in the SMC tree by default. For such projects:
The default project version is considered to be Version, if no version is found in the project config file.
The first language of the project is considered the default language, if the default language (lang key) is not mentioned in the project config file.
On a server, you can create or restore multiple projects. Afterwards, you must activate and start the project before you can use it. Out of all the projects, whether started or stopped, only one can be active. For example, at a customer site, the support engineer might restore a number of projects (backups). These restored projects can be in the Started/Stopped state. The support engineer can activate any one of the restored projects as needed, to enable that project to work with the Desigo CC client.
The Desigo CC client on the server always runs in the context of the active server project.
On a server, client, or FEP station, the web/Windows App client always runs in the context of a running server project configured in the web application. This project does not have to be an active project on the server.
Activation of a project facilitates aligning the file transfer path for a project on a client or FEP station.
On a fresh system, where no projects are available in the SMC tree, the very first project you create in SMC becomes active. All other projects you create in the SMC must be activated. At any time, only one project can be active.
At least one project must be active in the SMC. Otherwise, you cannot start any project.
It is recommended to make a backup of all projects before performing any of the following operations. You must secure project backups. If you are saving a project backup to a network, ensure that the network is protected. See the Manual HDB Backup section for more information on how to make a project backup.
Uninstalling Desigo CC.
Deleting a project.
It is recommended to link an HDB to a project for storing project logs in HDB. However, linking an HDB is not mandatory while creating a project. You can also link the HDB after creating a project. To link an HDB, you must first create it.
While upgrading a project upgrade, the Global libraries are upgraded automatically. Once you have created a project, the Global libraries are imported and are available. When you create or upgrade a project with an extension module, the extension module-specific libraries are included in the project.
While creating, upgrading, or restoring a project, or adding an extension modules to a project process, if you select another node in the Console tree, a message displays asking you to confirm aborting the current action. On confirmation, the abort action takes place and the toolbar status is restored.
All required language packs must be installed before creating a customer project. Once the customer project is established, you can still install additional language packs. However, you cannot add them to the available project languages. To add the newly installed language packs, you must create another project.
Tips for Working with a Project Configured on Client/FEP
For creating a client or FEP project, you must provide the shared project path of the server project. Once created, when you launch the Desigo CC client on the client or FEP system, it will run in the context of this configured server project.
The server project where the active client or FEP project is pointing is not necessarily active.
To start the client or FEP project, you must first start the server project that is connected to the client or FEP project.
The projects created on a different setup type, than the installed setup type, are listed under the Projects node in the SMC tree. However, when selected, you cannot work with them; you can only delete them.
Further information
Management Tab
Project Settings Tab