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Creating a New Project with Extensions on a Server
You have installed the necessary extension modules.
For linking an HDB, an HDB is created and available in the Linked HDB drop-down list.
For configuring a specific user, you must have configured it using the System node in the SMC tree.
For configuring the secure communication, the certificate must be available in the appropriate Windows Certificate store.
Launch the SMC.
In the SMC tree, select Projects.
Management displays.
Click Create Project  Add New icon.
The Select Project Extensions dialog box displays.
Do one of the following:
Select the desired extension suite, that by default, selects all the extension modules listed under it.
Expand the desired extension suite and select the extension module for which you want to create a project.
Click OK.
The New project page displays. Proceed as follows:
In the Server Project Information expander, provide the details as follows:
In the Project name field, type the name of the new project. The project name cannot start with a hyphen (-).
(Optional) Click Browse to change the default project path [installation drive:]\[installation folder] and select the target directory where you are creating the project.
(Optional) Type the system name and system ID to change the default value of 1. Valid values are 1 through 2048. These fields provide project identification to the system.
NOTE: For working in a distributed environment, the system name and system ID of the project must be unique.
(Optional) Configure languages for a project. The default project language is en-US. For more information, see Tips for Configuring and Editing Project Languages.
NOTE: For working in a distributed environment, the number and the sequence of the configured languages for the projects in distribution must be the same.
(Optional) Select a language from the configured project languages as the default language by selecting the Default option for producing language-dependent contents by server components. For example, Journaling is not dependent on the logged-on user and hence for printing date/time information, the project language set as default language is used for printing date/time information.
(Optional) In the Linked HDB drop-down list, select the HDB to where you want to link the new project. If there is only one HDB available, it is automatically selected. You can link the HDB after creating the project. If no HDB is linked, the Header bar displays Database Missing.
(Optional) Select the Encrypted check box to encrypt the communication between a project and the HDB.
(Optional) Type the port numbers for the Pmon, Data, Event, HDB Reader, and CCom ports to change the default values. Ensure that no two port numbers are same. When you configure the CCom port from the Communication Security expander, it is automatically updated in the CCom port field in the Server Project Information expander.
In the User Credentials expander, provide the details as follows:
a. Type the DefaultAdmin password and click Confirm. The DefaultAdmin account is used to log on to the Desigo CC Client, once Desigo CC is installed.
b. Type the Root user password and click Confirm. This user is used for performing administrative activities.
(Optional and required only when you want to enable Web communication between CCom port and IIS) In the Communication Security expander, provide the details as follows:
a. From the Web communication drop-down list, select one of the following:
Disabled: (default): Indicates that no communication is possible between CCom port and Web server (IIS).
Secured: Indicates that the Web communication is secured with certificates. When selected, it enables the Host certificate field and displays any default set host certificate. Otherwise, you must configure a host certificate.
Unsecured: (displays in red) Indicates that the Web communication between the CCom port and IIS is enabled, but it is unsecured (that is without certificates).
b. (Optional) Type or configure a unique CCom port number using the spin control buttons.
c. (Required only when you selected Web Communication as Secured) Click Browse for the Host certificate field and select the host or a self-signed certificate for securing the CCom port using the Select Certificate dialog box.
NOTE: By default, the Host certificate field displays the host certificate which is set as default. The root certificate of the configured host certificate must be available in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities of the Windows Certificate store. Otherwise, you get a chain validity message. The certificate selected must have a private key.
Click Next  Next.
(Optional) Configure the required settings for the selected extension module.
Click Save Project  Save icon. For more information, see Saving a Project.
A message displays.
Click OK.
The data entered during project creation, including the HDB selected, are validated and saved.
On successful project creation,
— The new project node is created as a child under the Projects node in the SMC tree. Although t is in Stopped state, you can start, edit, or delete it.
— A project folder structure is created with subfolders and files at the specified path.
— A Pmon service is created in the Windows services using the System user in the format GMS_WCCILpmon_[project name]. This service provides support for Desigo CC Runtime Systems.
— The Multiplexing Proxy manager is added to the project's progs file and its details can be viewed from Manager Details expander.
— The very first project to be created automatically becomes active.
— With Web communication mode as Secured/Unsecured, the Project Shares expander becomes available in the Project Settings tab.