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Upgrading a Project
The project must be upgraded to a new version. The following two scenarios are explained:
Upgrading a Version 1.0 or 1.1 project (to Version 2.0)
Upgrading a project later than Version 1.1 (with or without extension module)
The following workflow illustrates the preconditions and different variants for upgrading the project.
You can upgrade a project using the SMC only on a server. On client/FEP installations, you cannot upgrade the outdated projects (projects having Data version earlier than the current Data version). You can only delete such projects using Delete  Delete icon.
In Version 3.0, you can upgrade projects of Version 2.0 and later.
To upgrade a project from Version 1.0, you must restore and then upgrade the project in a Version 2.0 environment, and then restore and upgrade the project in Version 3.0.
For a project having version earlier than Version 3.0 (requiring internal WinCC OA upgrade), if the default proxy port is in use by some other project, the upgrade of such a project is not possible. This is because the upgrade of WinCC OA internally requires the default Proxy port 5678 during upgrade. To troubleshoot this, you must edit the proxy port for the project in use and change it to some other port number.
To work with the customized ldl profiles in V3.0, you must save those profiles using a unique name other than the profile name of the installed extension modules and then you must add them in a whitelist file (CustomizedProfiles.ini file at the location ...\GMSMainProject\Profiles) before restoring and upgrading the project. Customized profiles not included in the CustomizedProfiles.ini file can be deleted during SMC operations. For projects earlier than V3.0, you must manually create the file CustomizedProfiles.ini by adding the customized profiles.
Further information
Upgrading Version 1.0 or 1.1 Project
Upgrading a Project Higher than Version 1.1