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Restoring a Project or Creating a Project from a Template
You can restore a project/project template using the SMC only on a server. During the project restore process, the SMC internally checks if the backup selected for restore is compatible with the current Data version or if it needs an upgrade. If the selected backup has an earlier Data version, the project is restored successfully, but displays the Project status as Outdated - check on upgrade. You must then update such an outdated project using Upgrade  Arrow Up icon.
Ensure that there is enough free disk space available (at least double the size of the project to be upgraded) on the server for the project that you are about to create or restore from template on the selected drive. For example, if a project requires 2 GB disk space, there should be a minimum 4 GB space available on the same drive. This is needed because, when you restore and upgrade a project, a temporary copy of the project is created on the same drive. If there is not enough free space, the restore/upgrade process fails and logs several error messages in the SMC.log file available at [installation drive:]\[installation folder]\GMSMainProject\log.
You have an existing backup, the backup files are unzipped, and the backup directory path is known and accessible. For more information, see Backing Up Your Project and Backing Up the HDB.
For linking an HDB, an HDB is created and available.
In the SMC tree, select Projects.
Do one of the following:
Click Restore Project  Data Import icon to restore a project backup.
Click Create a Project from Template  Restore Project Template to create a project from a project template.
If you click Restore Project  Data Import icon, the Select project backup folder dialog box displays. In this dialog box, do the following:
a. Locate and select the source directory (archive path).
b. Click OK.
NOTE: If the backup you selected is not valid, that is, if the backup does not contain the config and db (database) folders, a message displays.
(Applicable only when you click Create a Project from Template  Copy icon) The Select project template folder dialog box displays. While restoring the project template, the default is the ProjTemplates folder where the project templates are available for selection. In this dialog box, do the following:
a. Select the desired project template.
b. Click OK.
The Server Project Information expander displays with the fields filled in (including the port numbers and the HDB) according to the details provided in the config file of the selected backup.
(Optional and required only when you want to change the default parameters) Edit the following fields:
Project name: Provide a unique name, ensuring that no project with the same name already exists, otherwise a message displays. If there is already a project with the same name as the project you are about to restore, do one of the following:
— Re-name the project you are about to restore to a different name. You can do this by typing a new name in the Project name field.
— If you do not want to rename the project you are about to restore. delete the existing project that has the same name, and then perform the restore.
Project path: Click Browse to change the default project path
[installation drive:]\[installation folder].
Port information: Displays Pmon, Data, Event, HDB Reader, Dist and CCom ports. For a Version 2 backup, the ports specified in the config file are displayed. For earlier versions of project backups, the default port numbers are displayed.
History Database Connection: Displays the HDB specified in the project config file by default, if the HDB is found on the current system. Otherwise, you are prompted to select a database. However, you may also link or modify an HDB after restoring a project.
Click Save  Save icon.
A message displays if the project you are about to upgrade is too old to upgrade. Currently, the default Minimum Upgradable Version is 2.0. It is recommended not to restore such a project because even after a successful restore, you cannot upgrade it.
A message displays if the selected HDB is already linked to another project. However, you may link the HDB even after restoring the project.
Click OK.
A message displays with details of the selected backup folder, including the project name, project path, date/time when the backup was taken, the Desigo CC Data version which was used to run the given backup, restore path, and language(s) of the backed-up project.
Click OK to restore the selected project/project template.
On confirmation,
— The project/project template is restored successfully.
— The project node displays under the SMC tree.
— The project folder is created at the specified project path.
— The Start, Stop, Activate, Edit, and Delete Project icons are available.
— The Upgrade icon is enabled only when the restored project version is older than the installed one.
Next Steps
Upgrade the restored project to the currently installed Desigo CC Data version.
Activate the project.
Start the project.
Tips for Restoring a Project
In the Server Project Information expander of the Project Settings tab, you may observe the following before upgrading the project:
Project status displays as Outdated (in red)  Outdated: This means the restored project backup has an older Data version than the current Desigo CC Data version.
System name: Unknown system (in red) and System ID: 0 (displays in red) indicates that the restored project has an older Data version than the current Desigo CC Data version. The System name and System ID of the restored project are displayed on upgrade.
Languages: The language which is not installed displays in red. You must install this language pack.
Linked HDB state: System name in the HDB does not match system name of the project (displays in red). You must correct the selected HDB’s system name by clicking Edit  Edit Mode iconand Save  Save icon.
In the Extension Information expander, the extension module status can be outdated or not installed (displays in red) or updated.