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Project Shares Expander
The Project Shares expander allows you to share the project folder and set the necessary permissions on it for the Windows users and user groups. Typically the share permissions apply to the user logged onto the operating system of the Client/FEP station or to the Web application user on the remote Web server.
This expander displays only on the Server station. This expander becomes available in the Project Settings tab in the following cases:
The project was created with Web communication set to Secured/Unsecured.
You modify the project and set Client/Server communication to Secured/Unsecured.
You have modified the project and enabled the Distribution participant check box.
Once the Project Shares expander becomes, you can always change its settings including sharing the project, adding or removing the users.
You can share the project folder either from Windows or from SMC using the Project Shares expander.
Both these sharing methods involve the following two steps:
Share the Server project folder that you want to connect to.
Set permissions on the individual folders within the project (devices, graphics, libraries, profiles, and shared) for the user or group.
You must share the Server project folder that you want to connect to before creating the Client/FEP or a remote Web server. This because, when you create a Client/FEP project, you will have to provide the path of the shared Server project folder in order for the Client/Server or Web communication to work.
All Windows accounts of users running a Client/FEP installation or a remote Web Server must have access to this folder with the rights. Typically, you need to share the folder and assign permissions to the user logged onto the operating system of the Client/FEP station, or to the Web application user.
The user working on the Server station does not need a file share to be able to launch the local Desigo CC client application or the Web server. However, this user must have access rights on the folders in the project directory. Note that you do not need to explicitly assign them.
Project Shares Expander
Share Project
When selected allows you to share the project folder for the selected project. It automatically sets the Share name as the project name.
Share path
Displays the path of the shared folder. This is the path that displays when you create/modify a project or a web application on Client/FEP when you realign or browse of server projects.
Share name
Allows you to change the default share name.
The Share name is the name with which the project folder will be available, when browsed.
Once saved, you cannot edit it.
NOTE: The share name must not contain any characters other than A through Z, numbers 0 through 9, and hyphen (-). Blank spaces and special characters are not supported. Maximum 80 characters are allowed in the share name.
Group or user names
Displays the list of users or groups that have permissions on the shared project folder.
Allows you to add users or groups from the current station domain or from the list of available network domains using the Select User or Group dialog box.
Add is always enabled allowing you to add the users, if the project was created with Web communication set to Secured/Unsecured, or if the project is edited with Client/Server communication mode as Secured/Unsecured.
Allows you to remove the user /user group from the list of Group or user names. This button becomes enabled when you select a user or a group from the list of Group or user names.
Project folder can be shared without adding any user/user group.
Removing all the users does not automatically revoke sharing of a project folder.
Deselecting the Share Project checkbox, removes all the added uses in the project share as well as removes the project share.
Once the project is shared and you change the Client/Server communication mode to Stand-alone and the Web communication mode to Disabled, the project shares as well as users will be removed and the Project Shares expander becomes unavailable.
You have to add and remove the users one by one, each time clicking Add/Remove.
Unless you save the changes the users are not added to or removed from the list of Group or user names.
Once a user is removed from the list of Group or user names, that user no longer has share permissions. You can verify this in Windows (using Computer Management > System Tool > Shared Folders > Shares, and by checking Share Permissions for the shared folders).
After creating s project, if you share the project folder using Windows, and select the project in SMC, the Project Shares expander will display those project share settings. That is the Share Project check box will be selected, and the Group or user names will include the user/user groups to whom you assigned permissions on the shared project folder.
If you share the project folder from Windows (instead of sharing using Project Shares expander) after creating a project on the Server, you must do the following to populate the share project path in the Client/FEP project/Web application linked to this Server project:
a. On the Server, reselect the Server project which was shared using Windows.
b. On the Client/FEP, select the project/Web application linked to this Server project and you must do one of the following:
—- Edit, and realign, and save.
—- Edit, browse the Server project, and save.
In workgroup environment, for working with Client/Server setup or distributed system, the user with which you have shared the Server project folder, must also be present on the Client station or on the distribution partner machine and have the same password on both the systems.