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Project Settings Tab
The Project Settings tab allows you to view the details of the project you created. You can also edit the project details using the various expanders, as well the icons that are available on the server or client/FEP installations.
Project Settings Tab on Server
This tab has the following expanders on as installation:
Server Project Information
Extension Information
Communication Security
Project Shares
Distribution Participants
Distribution Connections
Manager Details
Project Settings Tab on Client/FEP
This tab has the following expanders on the client/FEP installation:
Server Information: Displays details of the selected server and the configured service port.
Client Project Information: Displays information about the project, languages, shared project path, and the configured ports, as well as the status of the current project.
Communication Security: Displays the configured Pmon user. It also displays details of client/server communication mode including the Certificate type, and Server Proxy port.
Manager Details: Displays all the managers configured for a project and their status.
Related Topics
Further information
Project Settings Toolbar
Server Project Information Expander
Extension Information Expander
Communication Security Expander
Project Shares Expander
Distribution Participants Expander
Distribution Connections Expander
Profiles Expander
Manager Details Expander