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Workstation Picker Dialog Box
The Workstation Picker dialog box allows you to select a server from the accessible networks, in the domain.
This dialog box displays when you click the Browse button alongside the Server Name field in Automatic or Manual mode.
In the Enter management system name or description field, you can type in the full computer name of the server, if you already know it, or you can type a partial text string. Click Check Name to display a list of all workstations in the selected domain whose name contains the entered string.
The Workstation Picker dialog box consists of the following elements:
Workstation Picker Dialog Box — Domain
Domains Tree View
A tree view that contains all available network domains. You can select the domain where the workstation is located. The current workstation domain is selected by default.
Check Name
Enter the workstation name in the Check Name field. Once the domain is selected, the list of matching workstations will display in the Filtered workstations list.
Filtered workstation
List view that displays the list of all the workstations matching the search criteria for the selected domain.