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Troubleshooting Websites and Web Applications
After clicking the website or web application hyperlink, if you cannot access the Desigo CC web page, complete the following steps:
For launching the Desigo CC web page, IIS must be installed and configured as per the operating system you are working with, ARR must be installed, and its proxy must be enabled. Note that during installation, the installer installs ARR, and the SMC internally enables the proxy for ARR when you save the website or when you click Edit  Edit Mode icon and save the third-party website. However, if you still cannot launch the Desigo CC web page, see Cannot launch System Web page with HTTP 500 Internal Server error.
Make sure you use the proper URL for the server. The URL is
http://[Host name]:[HTTP port number]/[Web application name] and https://[Host name]:[HTTPS port number]/[Web application name]
For example, or
Confirm that you can ping the server by hostname. In a command window, type ping HOSTNAME. If the host is unavailable, add an entry in the hosts file for the server, or work with your System Administrator to ensure the hostname for the web client is resolvable through DNS.
On launching the web/Windows App client, if you get a Connecting to the Server error message, see the troubleshooting section Connecting to the Server Error.
To use a web client/Windows App client, you must enable the following security settings for the active zone from Internet options > Security > Custom Level >.Net Framework for Internet Explorer 11 on the computer where you want to launch the web client:
— Loose XAML
— XAML browser applications
When you try to launch the web application URL, and these options are disabled, an error message displays: This application type has been disabled.
Note that from Internet options > Security, you can also edit the active zone from the Internet (If the server is on WAN) to Local intranet (if server is in the intranet) and vice versa.
In the Windows Services applet on your server, make sure the World Wide Web Publishing service is running.
Verify that Windows Firewall and any network firewalls between the client and server have the proper ports open as specified in Configuring Windows Firewall Settings.
Repeat the steps in the Installing IIS section to make sure IIS is configured properly.
Complete the steps in the Confirming Web Site Settings section.
If a blank web page for a web application or a website launches, or if the Desigo CC web page for a website launches but with the error message: Server error in application [website name, or you get the error message HTTP Error 500.19 or HTTP Error 500.21, you must repair the .NET Framework 4.0.30319 version at a command prompt. This error occurs because the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 configuration for ASP .NET has been damaged. This can occur when Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 and later is installed after IIS is configured, or when the version of .Net you use is not registered with IIS correctly. If the version of .Net you use is not registered with IIS and you have .Net version 4 on a 64-bit 2008 Server, you must start the command prompt in administrator mode and run the following commands in the command prompt to fix it.
cd %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319
aspnet_regiis.exe –I
cd %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319
aspnet_regiis.exe –I
iisreset /RESTART
If you get HTTP Error 404, verify that the Web application is not on the same or on a different root drive as that of the third-party website under which the Web application is created. For example, if you have an existing third-party website on root drive, D, you should not create a Web application under this website on the same or any other root drive. Otherwise, you cannot launch the Desigo CC web page.
Confirm the website/Web application user and password. If the password has changed, you must modify the website/Web application, and provide the most recent user password. This applies to all the extension modules’ Web application.
Check the path where the Web application is created. If it is created using a third-party website that was created on a root drive, you cannot launch the web page and an HTTP error 404 message displays.
Confirm that the ports configured for http and https are open in the firewall. If not, change your firewall configuration to open these ports as described in Configuring Windows Firewall Settings.
Verify that IIS is not corrupted. Otherwise you must re-install IIS.
If the Website creation fails, verify the security rights on the parent folder where the Websites reside.
If you still cannot connect to the Desigo CC web page, contact Customer Support.
Further information
Confirming Windows Services
Connecting to the Server Error
Enabling Proxy for the Application Request Routing (ARR) Cache in IIS
File Transfer Between a Web Server (IIS) and a Web or Windows App Client Fails with HTTP 404 Error Code
Troubleshooting a Chain Validity Message While Creating or Modifying a Website or Application
Troubleshooting IIS
Troubleshooting the Certificate Error: Navigation Blocked
Trust Not Granted Error While Running the Web Client
Cannot Launch the System Web Page with HTTP 500 Internal Server Error
Verifying the Application Pool of a Web Application
Verifying the Full Computer Name of the System