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Installing IIS on Windows Server 2016
If Server Manager is already open, go to Step 2. If Server Manager is not open, use one of the following methods:
On the Windows desktop, click Server Manager in the Windows taskbar.
On the Windows Start screen, click Server Manager.
If it’s not there simply type Server Manager in the Search.
On the Manage menu, click Add Roles and Features.
The Add Roles and Features Wizard dialog box displays.
In the Add Roles and Features Wizard dialog box, click Next till Server Roles is selected.
In Server Roles, do the following:
Select Web Server (IIS).
This opens a dialog box asking you to confirm addition of IIS Management Console in the Management Tools of the Select role services window. Click Add Features.
Web Server (IIS) is selected.
Click Next until Role Services is selected.
In the Select role services window, proceed as follows:
Expand Web Server > Common HTTP Features, and select WebDAV Publishing.
Scroll down and expand Application Development, and select ASP.Net 4.6.
This opens a dialog box asking you to confirm addition of additional features that required to be installed for ASP .Net 4.6. Click Add Features.
Click Next.
The Confirm Installation Selection dialog box displays.
Click Install.
The features are installed and IIS is configured.
Click Close.