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Creating a Web Application on a Server Using SMC
You can create a Web Application under a website created using either the SMC or a third-party website. The third-party website, available in IIS, must also be listed under Websites in the SMC tree.
If WebDAV Settings and ARR proxy are not enabled for a third-party website where you want to create a Web Application, you must click Edit  Edit Mode icon and then Save  Save icon. However, if any other website parameter is missing, you must modify the third-party website parameters.
At least one website is created and available under Websites in the SMC tree.
The project that you want to link to the Web Application must be shared with the Web Application user. You can do this using the Project Shares expander in SMC when you modify the server project or outside SMC from Windows.
The project that you want to link has Web Server Communication as Secured/Unsecured.
You can do this when you create a new server project or when you modify a server project.
(Only applicable for projects in distribution) If the project that you are about to link is in distribution with other projects, all the projects in distribution with the linked project must be shared with the Web Application user.
In the SMC tree, select Websites > [website].
Click Create Web Application  Add New icon.
The New Web App page displays.
The Server Information expander displays a read-only field that displays the name of the server.
In the Project Information: Web Server Communication expander, from the Project name drop-down list, select a project that you want to link to the Web Application. The client only works with a started project; do not select a stopped or outdated project. Depending on the project selected, the CCom port settings, including Communication mode and CCom port, are updated to match the selected project's CCom port settings. Also, the System name and the Project path of the linked server project are displayed and selected by default. However, you cannot edit them.
NOTE 1: You can create a Web Application without a project. In this case, a URL is created with no project linked to it. When you click the URL, a default web page displays, but the Web/WindowsApp client cannot be launched.
NOTE 2: When a project is linked to an application, a URL is created that points to the linked project. Clicking this URL launches a Web/WindowsApp client pointing to the linked project. Ensure that both, the linked project and the parent website, are Started. Only then can you launch the Web/WindowsApp client.
NOTE 3: For a distributed environment, in addition to the linked system’s name (system name associated with the project linked to the Web Application), the system names of all the projects in distribution with the project linked to the Web Application. also display in the Connected systems section, in the Project Information: Web Server Communication expander.
When you launch the Web/WindowsApp clients, you can work with all the projects whose system names are listed, provided these projects are started and the distribution configuration is working.
In the Web application Details expander, proceed as follows:
In the Name field, enter a unique name for the Web Application.
Browse for a Web Application user using the Select User dialog box. By default, it displays the website user details. You can select a different user from the one you selected while creating the website. However, the Web Application user must be a member of the IIS_IUSRS Group. If you select a user that is not a member of the IIS_IUSRS Group, the SMC prompts you to add the user to that group.
Enter the password of the Web Application user.
Browse for the path to save the Web Application on the disk. The default path is [installation drive:]\[installation folder]\[Websites]\[Website name].
NOTE: For a third-party website created on a root drive, do not use SMC to create a Web Application under the website on the (same or a different) root drive. Otherwise, you cannot launch the Desigo CC web page and an HTTP 404 error message displays.
Use the default self-signed certificate that displays in the Certificate issued to field or browse and select the certificate for the Web Application using the Select Certificate dialog box. Select a certificate from the Personal tab of the store location Local machine certificates or User Certificates. The certificate must have a private key and it must be exportable. This certificate can be different from the certificate you selected while creating a website.
If you are using a host certificate while creating a Web Application, ensure that the root certificate of the selected host certificate is available in the store location Trusted Root Certification Authorities of the Windows Certificate store of the machine where the Web Application is launched.
If the website, under which the Web Application is created, contains a different certificate, for example, a self-signed certificate, the self-signed certificate must also be available in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities of the Windows Certificate store.
If the Web Application details are missing after the Web Application is created, for example, if you deleted a certificate from the Windows Certificate store after creating the Web Application, the certificate displays in red when you select the Web Application in the SMC tree. You must edit and save the Web Application.
Click Save  Save icon. For more information, see Modifying and Saving a Web Application on Server.
A confirmation message displays.
If the Web communication for the selected project is Disabled, it is recommended to cancel the Web Application creation and set the web configuration mode as Secured or Unsecured. Otherwise, when creating the Web Application, and you click the Web Application HTTPs hyperlink, you cannot work with Web/WindowsApp clients.
Click OK.
If confirmed, the data is validated and on successful creation,
— A new Web Application node is created as a child of the selected website under Websites in the SMC tree. A corresponding child node is created in IIS.
— A read-only URL for https displays in the Web application Details expander.
— Click the https URL to launch the web or Windows App client in a secured environment. You can also use the Copy URL button displays allowing you to copy the Web Application link, launch Microsoft Internet Explorer, and in the address bar, paste the URL.
— A Web Application folder containing the ClickOnce and XBAPFullTrust folders is created at the path specified while creating the website.
— You can edit, delete, or sign the Web Application.
If you try to launch the web or Windows App client through the Web Application link linked to a stopped project, the Windows App client fails to connect. In this case, you must start the project and then re-launch the Web/WindowsApp client using the Web Application.
If the website hosting the Web Application is stopped, the Web Application page does not display, and an error message displays.
You can create a Web Application with a different user than the website user.
The Web Application user on a client/FEP must be assigned access rights on the server project folders. Otherwise, you cannot work with these folders.
You can launch multiple web or Windows App clients by accessing multiple Web Application links simultaneously. However, this can affect system performance.
The websites created outside SMC are listed under Websites in the SMC tree. However, you cannot delete them.
Only the Web Applications created using the SMC are listed under Websites in the SMC tree. Third-party Web Applications are not listed in the SMC.
You can create a Web Application from a third-party website that has no user configured. However, if you edit the third-party website using the SMC, you are prompted to select a website user.
The website and Web Application certificates can be the same or different. If you use a host certificate while creating a website/application, you must ensure that its root is available in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities tab of the Local machine store in the Windows Certificate store, where you are launching the website or application.
The certificate you select while creating the Web Application is the same certificate that you must install in the certificate store under Current User > Trusted Root Certification Authority and Current User > Trusted Publisher certificate before launching the Web/WindowsApp client. For more information, see the Installing the Web Client Application Certificate .
Next Step
Browsing a Website/Application URL